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Barge - Vehicle 5

Price - 750g

Space - 145ft long, 45ft wide, 15ft high
Tonnage - 30
Masts - 0
Cargo - 13,000
Maneuverability - C*
Liftoff - 3

Crew - 8 or None*
Air Days - 7,200
Piloting DC - 19

AC - 18
Hardness - 5
Fort - 12

HP (BT) - 130 (65)
Crew HP (#) - 160 (20) or None*
Weapon Mounts L/H/R - None
Collision Damage (DC) - 6d10 (20)

Immunities - Object Immunities
Weaknesses - Fire 10 until Broken
Substantial - All hand held weapons or natural attack damage is halved befor hardness is applied to the damage. At the GM discretion attacks from a creature the same size category as the vehicle or larger can bypass this trait

Landing - Water, River, Ground*
Sailing Speed - 5ft
Crew ratings are for when self-propelled, when being towed it requires no crew but reduces the towing ships maneuverability to D.
Due to their flat bottom Barges can land on ground, but anything other than a perfect spot will damage the craft.


This flat bottomed boat is nothing more than a deck that may have a small shelter on it. It is often towed behind other vessels for extra air, but if equipped with a power source can handle itself.


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