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Custom conditions for Spelljammer for PF2e


Your ship is activly being boarded by another ship. Your ship is Off Guard and Immobilized, and cannot take any pilots action besides Repel Grapple. Any pilot action your ship makes must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost. Boarded overrides Entangled  


lack of air while in the Phlogiston has caused you to go into a quasi-suspended animation. You're flesh is turned into a grey stone like material and you gain the Petrified condition, and unable to remove the condition until you have access to fresh air. You do not gain awareness of your surroundings but your peers that have experienced this swear the phlogiston whispers to them while they are under this condition.  


Your ship is being held in place by another ship. Your ship is Off Guard and Immobilized.  


You are Sickened 2 and unable to remove the condition until you have access to fresh air.
You can force yourselves to eat/drink  


Your helm has ceased functioning.
The Reckless action that cause the malfunction is Disrupted. Your ship goes Uncontrolled. You cannot take any action with the Piloting Tag  

Phlogiston Sickness

As the exterior of the sphere are completely cut off from any of the other planes of existence; any Palnar Scions that ventures into the phlogiston gains the condition Sickend 1. This operates like the normal sickened condition with the following exceptions;
  • It cannot be recovered from until you return to the inside of a sphere that has a connection to the planes of existence of your heritage.
  • You can force yourself to eat and drink.
  • You can wear a Planar Lodestones to offset this sickness for a week.


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