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Damselfly - Vehicle 6

Price - 2,500g

Space - 85ft Long, 20ft Wide, 20ft High
Tonnage - 10
Masts - 2
Cargo - 5,000
Maneuverability - B
Liftoff - 3

Crew - 3
Air Days - 2,400
Piloting DC - 22

AC - 20
Hardness - 8
Fort - 14

HP (BT) - 145 (73)
Crew HP (#) - 72 (24)
Weapon Mounts L/H/R - 1*/-/-
Collision Damage (DC) - 7d10 (20)

Immunities - Object Immunities
Substantial - All hand held weapons or natural attack damage is halved befor hardness is applied to the damage. At the GM discretion attacks from a creature the same size category as the vehicle or larger can bypass this trait

Landing - Land
Special - The Light weapon mount can be upgraded to Heavy for 1,000 bulk


The upgraded Dragonfly. Most of the wood has been replaced with metal and all the exposed decking has been covered. It is easier to pilot, requiring less crew but does sacrifice maneuverability. It has a hatch just behind the wings for its light weapon.


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