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Galleon - Vehicle 11

Price - 8,000g

Space - 125ft Long, 35ft WIde, 35ft High
Tonnage - 45
Masts - 3
Cargo - 25,000
Maneuverability - C
Liftoff - 4

Crew - 16
Air Days - 10,800
Piloting DC - 28

AC - 26
Hardness - 15
Fort - 21

HP (BT) - 340 (170)
Crew HP (#) - 880 (55)
Weapon Mounts L/H/R - 2/2/-
Collision Damage (DC) - 12d10 (28)

Immunities - Object Immunities
Weaknesses - Fire 20 until Broken
Substantial - All hand held weapons or natural attack damage is halved befor hardness is applied to the damage. At the GM discretion attacks from a creature the same size category as the vehicle or larger can bypass this trait

Landing - Water
Sailing Speed - 20ft

Requirements 2+ siege weapons that are loaded and aiming at the same target, Each weapons crew ready a Launch action


Description All guns fire in a concentrated volley.
Make one Launch action for all engines involved. If this action hits, total the damage of all the participating engines before applying the target's Hardness.
After this action your MAP is set to +10


This is a large and advanced of groundling vessels. 3 masts, multiple decks, forecastle and a substantial sterncastle these ships are the luxury craft wherever they are. Due to their size and complexity they require a larger crew than most other sailing vessels


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