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Reading a Siege Weapon Statblock

Weapon Name - Siege Weapon Level

BP - BP cost of the Weapon; Ammo - Description (gold cost and bulk for one full loading)

Space - Length, Width, and Height;
Crew - The required crew needed to fire a weapon each round of combat
Mount - Required Mount

AC - The weapons Armor Class. Most weapons have at least partial cover as well not factored into this; Fort - The weapons Fortitude save; Rflx - The weapons Reflex save
Hardness - The weapons Hardness, subtracted from all damage; HP - Hit Points (Broken Threshold Immunities All weapons have at least Object Immunities:

Proficiency - The weapon proficiency needed
Range - The number of Hexes that make up the siege weapons range increment
Damage - Damage if the weapon hits.
Weapons Group The weapons group for critical specialization or proficency

Description - Description of the weapon and any special comments or abilities the weapon has

Critical Specialization Effects

Much like personal arms, those who are skilled enough can add effects to their weapons launches when they score a critical success. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon.  
You strike your target with such force that it rolls exposing it's soft belly
Your target is off-guard until the next gunnery phase  
Your weapon sprays the enemy ship, damaging sails and injuring crew.
The target takes a -1 Circumstance penalty to their Maneuverability rating  
Your strike hits true on the fore or aft of the ship causing it to yaw in facing.
Your target changes facing by 1 in a direction of your choice  
your bolt pierces deeply into the hull of your target
Gain a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of damage dice rolled

Behind the Curtain

Mount - Based off weapon size. M/L = Light, H/G = Heavy
Proficiency - PF2 Siege weapon rules target a spot on the ground, it wouldn't work ship to ship trying to keep track of a reticle from a moving ship. Changed this from a Save of Class DC to an attack w/ Proficiency.
Range - # of Hexes = (The actual range increment, rounded up to the next 100)/100
Damage - Kept the base damage. Gave each weapon a critical specialization effect.

Specific Weapon Changes
Hwacha - Changed the damage per load threshold to 1 die size per theshold
Springalds - As they make 3 - 15ft areas, I just sized the die up 2
Mortor - Left off the list as gravity isn't really a thing in spelljamming
Firedrake - Changed to only the 60ft line vairant. 60ft means 1 hex is in the second range increment. Gave a Crit effect of more fire damage.
Steelheart 21 - Changed the Quick Aim action to a +1 Item bonus.
Alkenstar Cannon - 50ft means 1 hex is in the second range increment. As it is a flack cannon gave the choice between Cannon or Springald cret effect.


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