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Smuggler Compartment

Smuggler Compartment - Expansion Bay 3+
Smuggler compartments are cargo holds hidden behind false bulkheads and are lead lined to shield from most divinations, allowing a ship equipped with them to haul illegal goods without detection. A smuggler compartment can contain 10 tons of goods, (1/2 a lot) with no item being larger than Medium.

Basic Smugglers Compartment - Lvl 3

BP - 2

A creature on the ship must succeed at a DC 20 (trained) Search check to find a basic smuggler compartment on the ship.

Good Smugglers Compartment - Lvl 9

BP - 5

As basic but the DC to find it is 30 (Expert)

Superior Smugglers Compartment - Lvl 15

BP - 8

As basic but the DC to find it is 40 (Master)


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