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Vanara in space

Vanara tend to be a close-knit, highly religious, and organized society. They are generally peaceful, with their leadership made up of "Director" females led by a demigod. (Their demigods openly live among them, but they never adventure.) Children are reared by the community, and it's not unheard of for a child to live an extended time in the care of a distant relative or family friend. Unpaired males form the backbone of their military forces, and more than a few become adventurers.

Most Vanara settlements are planetside, where make their homes in forests, but they enjoy the same climates as humans. They have no trouble eating the same foods as humans. Their spelljamming ships (usually purchased from Human settlements) are decorated with bright colors and wild designs. Because they are so adept at climbing, they make heavy use of ropes and swing bars in their rigging. When Vanara join a ship's crew, they often take the rest of the crew in as a found family, and most will add "of" and the name of their ship to their own name as an honorific. In most ports, Vanara pool their resources and purchase the largest property they can afford, and any and all Vanara can stay there, even those just passing through or on shore leave.



Ragdyan Vanara are probably the most populous of the Vanara in Wildspace. They practice their matriarchal societal norms with the eldest and most respected (and usually a cleric, as an unspoken requirement) member of the locality acting as Director. Other heritages of Vanara usually respect the status quo and assimilate.


"Deck Apes" are a common site among the crew of Spelljammers. The familial tendency and their general laissez-faire attitude make them easy crew to deal with and most captains welcome them in their numbers. Their natural ability to glide adds to their utility as marines, as they can lead vanguards on boarding parties or cover great distances when defending a ship. Clever Hadozee have even learned how to use the Gravity plane of the ship to slingshot themselves in a form of sudo-flight.
Your body is light with flaps of skin along your limbs that catch the air that passes beneath you. As long as you can act and have enough room, you can open the flaps to slow any fall just enough to avoid taking damage (whether you have the room to do so depends on the GM's discretion).
Feats requiring Hadozee
Hadozee Glide


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