Baron Sir Alric Ludd

Sir Alric Ludd is a newly dubbed Knight of the Sun. He is the second son of Lady Fortuna and Lord Caelon. He has just started a Tour of Duty.  
Sir Alric is the second son of Lady Fortuna and Lord Caelon of the Blackmarsh. Following in his older brother's footsteps he was sent off to be trained as a squire to the Knights of the Sun as soon as he came of age. He trained at the Chapter House in Littlebrook for five years and was then knighted by the King in the Cathedral.   The new Grandmaster of the Knights of the Sun, King Morgan of Mochica, was concerned that the knights were suffering from being too insular and inward looking and that they needed to have more contact and knowledge of the outside world. As such, he dictated that all newly appointed knights should undergo a Tour of Duty with a view to developing their skills and learning about the world at large. The newly knighted Sir Alric was sent off to Aquadis to help protect the fledgling Institute of the Arcane on that island.