
Polyphemus is from Olympia, the capital of Athena. He was apprenticed from an early age as an alchemist and learned much of the trade through hard work and practical experience. After qualifying as a licensed alchemist and joining the Athenan guild, he realised he needed academic knowledge to complement his natural intuitive grasp of the subject.   Coincidentally, a new Institute of the Arcane had just launched in Olympia itself, which seemed an ideal place to study. Supported by his guild, Polyphemus attended the Institute where he picked up some minor spellcasting knowledge but mostly studied Exotic Biochemistry, which explains which spell bulette livers are vital for and what biological ingredients are necessary to make a potion of berserking.   Whilst engaged in his studies, Polyphemus came across many references to a group of Cyclops known as the Seared Ones who are famous for their alchemical knowledge. It seems they mostly operate in the Underdark but for some reason also on the island of Aquadis.   After graduating from the Institute in Olympia, Polyphemus was able to arrange transfer to the Institute in Aquadis to continue his research into alchemy, biochemistry and the Seared Ones. He occasionally helps out at the Institute but is generally left to his own devices.