Quintus Falconius

Of middling years, Quintus has brown hair, greying at the temples and cut short in a military style. He has clear blue eyes and the long hooked nose so common in the Rodinian nobility. He has an air of authority about him - his breeding as a Rodinian noble making him used to being obeyed and that confidence leads to a calm self-assurance which is evident in any dealings with him.   When around town Quintus wears comfortable, well maintained clothes, choosing to stick to his native Rodinian styles, rather than adopting the local Semangi fashions. He usually has a dagger tucked into his belt - as much for function as defense.   When on patrol, or seeing people on official business, Quintus dons his heavy ceremonial breastplate, full helm with horse hair plume, leather kilt and strapped sandals. He carries a large square shield and spetum in hand and has both sword and dagger at his belt. His uniform is dyed the deep red of the Legions and is kept in excellent condition.   Quintus has use of a Legion horse - an old, knackered ex-cavalry charger, called Herecles. Its heart is proud and fearless, but its bones and muscles are old and tired. It will likely not see the end of another season out here and Quintus is not sure that Fort Commander Reynold of Fort Hadrian will care enough to send out a replacement.  
I'm a Decanus (Sergeant) in the Rodinian Army. Born in Rodin of noble stock I enlisted and was trained up. Unfortunately I made a mistake and insulted someone important. I could have been flogged but instead was sent to the farthest reaches of the Empire to serve - Semang. Arriving at Fort Hadrian I was met by my superior Optio (Lieutenant) Reynold. He took an instant dislike to me for he was of common stock and hated that I was noble. So he sent me out to Jukai to be the commander of the Vale of Leaves garrison. Unknown to me that 'garrison' was comprised of one solder: me. I was in charge of the defense and security of the whole of the Vale of Leaves.   The locals are not too rowdy and generally we just exist side by side. I do regular patrols on my old nag, an ex-legion charger well past its prime, and ride from village to village, just checking that people are okay and working on my relations with the locals.   I get no support or help from Fort Hadrian as my superior hates me. So if there are troubles in the Vale I usually have to rely on the locals to help me out. Or occasionally passing privateers who feel like being kind hearted and helpful. The locals are pretty good though as I have a good relationship with most of them. This leaves me free to do as I please (within reason) and to follow up any threats or perceived threats to the Vale as best I see fit. In theory I should have the might of the Legions behind me, but in practice I have no help what so ever.   Occasionally a messenger will arrive from the Capital where my family are working hard to get me returned home, but so far there has been no luck there.   I have been in the Vale for 5 years now, have got a local Semang wife (Ella) and 2 small children (Romulus and Remus). Ella's parents come from Marudi and her father is a lumberjack called Garret. Her mother is a seemstress called Dru, who occasionally has visions which are as often cryptic as they are flat out wrong. I sometimes go and ask her mother if she has seen any visions when I need help with particularly difficult investigations. Just occasionally she proves to be useful...
Current Location
Year of Birth
636 AR 43 Years old