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Dorrington Meshani

Dorrington Meshani (a.k.a. Domesh)

Fundamentally, Domesh is a man of change. He's reinvented himself multiple times across his life, sometimes for a new start and sometimes to survive. He fancies himself both prince and pauper, given his history both in the glitz capital of Castrovel and the gutters of Verces, and feels that he is in a unique position to change the world. He believes this change is worth any price, and he wears the cost he's paid so far, his augmented arm and eye, as badges of pride. But his radical ideology is hidden under a lair of candour and cocky confidence, a sort of casual zealot; a new approach for the new age.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing at 5'7, Domesh is relatively short for his race but not diminutive. He's broad-shouldered, unusually so for a damaya Lashunta, but still carries a lithe build overall. His legs are well-toned and muscular from actively running from the police on Verces and wearing heavy armour, while his remaining arm is relatively thin. (The mechanical arm is bulky, and sometimes requires the left sleeve to be altered on his clothing)

Facial Features

Domesh's most striking facial features are his mechanical left eye, and the accompanying biowire soldered into the eye bag beneath it. The wiring has been inserted a few layers into the skin, and the outermost layer has regrown over it, giving it a smooth, almost natural feeling when touched, but is much colder than the surrounding flesh.   The mechanical eye is a very advanced optic, but trades style for substance, granting infra-red and thermal vision, but looking almost industrial in nature. The sclera has seams running through it, and the mechanical iris itself looks like the inner lens of a camera, vaguely contained within the shape of an eye. It shutters when the other eye blinks, but this behaviour can and has been overwritten. It can also focus independently of the other eye. In situations where the user's nervous system has become overloaded or they are in a state of intense mental anguish, the lens and shutters have been known to lock in place, creating a very uncanny effect where the iris has closed, but the eye remains open.

Identifying Characteristics

As mentioned above, his mechanical eye is one of his most distinctive features. Quickly following that is his mechanized cybernetic arm. The arm is almost completely custom, being much bulkier than standard models, and made from scrap metal that Domesh has brushed and polished heavily. It has a brushed steel look to it, with all the wires hidden and contained inside. It replaces his left arm, which has effectively rendered Domesh ambidextrous as he was right-handed before the arm was installed. It's detachable and sometimes is switched out with a standard model prosthetic arm, as the industrial nature of the unit takes a much greater toll on the user than standard models.

Physical quirks

A lot of the unique traits of the Lashunta people, the facial markings and such, seem to be absent or muted across Domesh's face. This is highly suspected to be the result of cosmetic surgery to make facial recognition software less effective against him, as well as preparation for an extreme escape plan should the connection between his two primaries identities be discovered. (The plan involved removing the final distinguishing Lashuntan features and having his antennae surgically removed. Due to the severe risk and potential for complications, this plan was only to be used in the direst of scenarios.)

Special abilities

His custom-built mechanical arm has been fitted with an arc lightning weapon, created by installing over a dozen surplus batteries throughout the arm. Thanks to this, a strong current can be quickly generated and explosively discharged if desired.

Apparel & Accessories

During the Meridian Incident, Domesh dressed very plainly, as his clothes were hidden under his all covering armour. He was known to use face obscuring helmets and voice modulators.   In contrast, during his time on Absalom Station, he rarely ever wore armour, instead donning polished loafers, slacks, a dress shirt and a tie. His intention was to appear as a plain, yet well-dressed bureaucrat that seemed well put together but overall forgettable.   Since departing with the crew, he's been able to fully embrace his sense of style and rich kid roots, dressing in a waistcoat, shirt and tie combo. The colours are varied, as he likes to keep up with the current fashion trends, but is known to enjoy darker blues, purples and occasionally greys for more formal occasions. He's also been known to lounge in his college-era attire, a turtleneck and jeans with his hair let down.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Masculine, although no great attraction towards classical masculinity.


H o m o s e x u a l. Dragonkin ex & banged a vesk once, so dude could be a scaly... (thinking emoji)

Failures & Embarrassments

He attempted to save his best friend on Verces from a gunfight, but after having his eye shot out, that friend had to save him.   The failure of his medical clinic   He feels his inability to kill his own sister for the cause makes him a coward and a failure to the revolution, though the only person who asked him to do this was himself.

Mental Trauma

Watching his best friend, a man only currently known as Ace, being gunned down during the raid on his medical clinic. Blames the Omni-Alliance for it wholeheartedly, and sees Ace as the latest in a long line of martyrs, but feeling like he owes Ace his life contributes to his developing martyr complex.

Intellectual Characteristics

• Voracious reader, full of quotes • Likes to solve puzzles, and things fitting together neatly • Creative insofar as mechanics is concerned. • Somewhat of an academic, but has abandoned the establishment after finding a greater cause.


Absolutely refuses to deal in recreational drugs, humanoid trafficking and certain murders.

Personality Characteristics


In a word, guilt. Domesh feels a certain guilt for all the world has given him, being born rich and open to wealth of opportunities. With the death of his partner Ace, gunned down by local police while trying to escape with Domesh, he began to feel guilt for living as well. Fundamentally, Domesh feels that he owes the world itself for all he has and everything he has down has been an attempt to repay this debt. It hasn’t been successful so far, with his stint as a backstreet doctor ending in failure, having abandoned his family and now, fighting a revolution. He begins to suspect the only way he can truly redeem himself is give himself entirely, life and limb, to the cause and become martyr. He hopes then that Ace’s death will not be in vain.


Meticulously groomed hair, he is moderately skilled with makeup and foundation especially. Takes pride in appearance and likes to keep hygienic.


Contacts & Relations

Richter Heusman: A shifty journalist from Absalom station, dedicated to exposing and sabotaging corporate influence. Moonlights as a spy and does industrial sabotage work occasionally. Has helped Domesh in the past acquire information on Scantron, Nakita and other corporations. Charges for service, but can be convinced to give discounts if he sufficiently hates a specific company. Brother killed by Corpo hit-squad in a cover-up.   Bandwith: Android proprietor of the Time Warp pub of Absalom. Semi-magical in nature, able to access resources such as drift beacons with seeming ease. Charges with years of the purchaser's life, removed from history. Can be relied upon, but at great expense. Cost Domesh a year of his life and Valtyra one of hers.   Associated Lowlives of Absalom: From his time as a criminal socialite on Absalom, he has acquired a network of connections across Absalom stored within the physical contact book he keeps on his desk, within his room aboard the Crystal Pony.

Family Ties

Livingston Meshani: Lord of the Manor, Managing Director of Meshani Industries and father to Dorrington. Insultingly described as "an obsequious little man that is chronically overdressed", but lovingly described as "the good kind of stereotypically rich." Livingston is a gifted accountant and well accustomed to the world of wealth and business, but is known to be easily cowed and crack under pressure. He's a well-intentioned, kind-hearted man but blissfully unaware of anything outside his business, family or newspaper. He loves his children equally and dearly but worries if any are ready or willing to take on the family legacy. His side of the family are gentry, living off fortunes gained generations ago. Some are well-meaning, while others seek to keep the perceived riff-raff out of the upper class.   Cassandra Meshani: Lady of the Manor, High Ranking Exec in Meshani Industries and mother to Dorrington. Formerly known as Cassie Roshan, Cassandra legally changed her name following the marriage to Livingston. Coming from a much more humble background, she has a history as a gifter on the streets of Qabarat which she has extensively tried to erase. Her willingness to fight and ruthlessness in matters of business has made her an excellent aide and counter to Livingston's soft touch. Her side of the family heavily contrast with the Meshani and have in some cases outright fought, though Cassandra tries her best to keep them in line. She cares for her children deeply, being the closest with Melissa, the most like her. She worries the most about Dorrington, who had until recently had been more of his father's son, but since his return after five years of no contact, she has been seeing a few of her more negative traits surfacing in him.   Melissa Meshani: Lt. & Admiral of the Arc Fleet, Personal Aide to Cecil Gundue and sister to Dorrington. Eldest of the four siblings, Melissa takes most directly after her mother. Strong-willed and with a towering stature, she has an intimidating presence, so the life of a soldier was a perfect fit for her. Contrasting Dorrington's yearning for change, she believes in maintaining order and stability, even if that order is unjust, as in her words; "The hope of a better future doesn't outweigh the cost of destroying the past." As eldest, she was initially expected to be the heir to the family business, but this changed after she enlisted in the military at age 19, unsatisfied with standard education.   Dobri & Dorretta Meshani: Dorrington's uncle and cousin respectively. To be used as a cover if the Domesh-Dorrington name connection is discovered, as both their names can be combined to create Domesh, and they are both lashunta.


His voice was originally based on a rough, lower-class English accent with a very hard edge across season one and early season two, though the voice has been altered now to have a softer, slightly refined edge. The intention is to create an odd mix between high and low class, reflecting the fact he is both prince and pauper. This is also emphasised in that due to how well educated he is, he often uses large words or specific jargon that seems to clash with accent and others' expectations of him. (this is the opposite of his mother, who has adopted a very refined, upper-class accent but speaks very roughly, bluntly and accented with swearing.)

Wealth & Financial state

The Meshani Family are wealthy loggers from Castrovel, and Dorrington was the former heir-apparent to that fortune. He was raised in a life of luxury and wealth, meals made by a team of on-site chefs and tended to by waiting staff. He abandoned that life to pursue a career in medicine and cybernetics on Verces, which went awry after falling into a life of crime. He still has the ability to call on his parents for money, although his pride would likely prevent this. He himself is currently carrying in excess of 10,000 credits on his person.

Originally a crook by chance, Dorrington has fully delved into the identity of "Domesh", reinventing himself as a criminal socialite and most recently, revolutionary.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
BCe - Bachelor of Cybernetic Engineering, from University of Verces MA - Master of Arts, Political Science. SaA - "Surgeon-at-Arms", a self-given title from the clinic on Verces
52 CY/26 PSY
Date of Birth
8th of Kuthona
Castrovel, Qabarat
Current Residence
The Crystal Pony (Ship)
Blue (including mechanical eye)
Straight, brown and slicked back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Heavy Castrovellian Tan (Not white!!!)
5ft 7 inches
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You think cynicism is what made me raise arms against the government? No, of course not. If I was cynical, I'dve laid down and died, worked for my father for easy money. No, I took up arms because I believe the world is worth saving, and so is everyone in it."   "Look upon the work of the dragonking, and know it will be repaid in full." - Trixiaus, Crystal Cove, upon discovering a massacre committed by Dragonkin soldiers.   "These bureaucrats, with all their laws, have forgotten the most important law of all. The law of change." - Triaxius, some dive.   "Let's make the world worth saving." - Triaxius, same dive.   “Do you know the difference between a revolutionary and a terrorist, Ruby? Well, this is gonna sound a little cheesy, but… it’s love. Love of your people, love of your country, love of the world. We don’t fight because hate, but because we love the world enough to die fighting for it.” - The Crystal Pony, discussing the cause with Ruby Red, co-conspirator and possible lover.
Known Languages
Common, Castrovellian, Vercite, Drow, Gnome

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