Bastion Settlement in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


The only true fortress world in the Expanse, Bastion is not so much forbidden as unapproachable. While charting the system Lord Captain Saul lost three ships to minefields, hidden kinetic harpoons, and gravity traps before reaching Bastion’s surface. The surface of Bastion was covered with defensive turrets, ancient STC-pattern shield generators, ferrocrete trenches, and massive bunkers. No trace is left of the planet’s former inhabitants; the cogitator banks are wiped clean. Plates of food, long since rotted into dust, sit at rusting tables. Saul has spent a large fortune restoring Bastion. A handful of other Rogue Traders maintain fortified retreats on the world. Both the Adeptus Astartes and Inquisition have, or so it is whispered, purchased fortified sectors from Saul.


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