Carbuncle Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


The Solace Encarmine Carbuncle is an apex predator known to inhabit the deepest waters on the planet Solace Encarmine. Prized for its battle prowess and aggression xeno poachers and other unauthorized groups like The Beast House that set up illegal fights between exotic species from different planets for profit. The Carbuncle is high on any such unscrupulous character's list as it is both aggressive and strong but also highly territorial.    While not a wide ranging hunter as the area of the great ocean on Solace Encarmine in which it lives and hunts is small relative to it's size it is able to sustain itself on a single meal for months or longer. As the migratory patterns of some prey species of wildlife shift through out the year this beast can weather a famine or gorge itself during periods of feast. It can store the biomass it consumes in specialized holding sacks on the way to it's stomach that will release food as it becomes necessary but if the creature eats when it is already sated one of these organs will sense the need based on the fat deposits stored around it. As such, this creature can essentially continue to feed long after it encounters prey and the robustness of it's stomach can consume biomatter in pretty much any state of decay. Any non-edible materials it may have consumed while attaining food are eventually passed.   The carbuncle feeds both like a squid and a lamprey. It can attach to a larger meal and essentially drain it to death and/or wrest the unruly prey into submission using its giant squid-like tentacles. The ends of said tentacles have sharp points in which the animal can spear it's targets, either efficiently killing it or shanking it over and over again until it finally goes down in the case of larger targets.
Scientific Name
Mollusca Petromyzontiform Encarmine
Geographic Distribution
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