Chime Hobart Character in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Chime Hobart

The Honorable / Lord of the Gilt Processional Chime Petrucious Hobart

Chime Hobart first met the Crew at a local watering hole on Port wander called the emperor's Table, a frequent dive for rogue trader's and their crews. He had heard about a Rogue Trader vessel that had come into port badly damaged and seized on the opportunity to strike a deal with a captain that was likely in a desperate position. He wasn't far off the mark in his assumption. In exchange for what many would consider too high a risk due to the unknown variables he was able to parley a contract with the crew of the Eternal Perdition to go to the somewhat nearby planet of Corpse-Fortune Primaris and retrieve an artifact and transport it back to him. In exchange he would see to the repairs of the badly damaged Eternal Perdition and pay off the crew who had survived the previous voyage, he also promised to pay for up to a year of future expenses no questions asked if they successfully retrieved the item he sought. It was no small sum but it was a drop in the bucket by comparison to what most Rogue Trader crews would have charged and he had the added insurance of them not being able to afford to immediately betray him.   The crew was sent on their way after minimal questions and he was able to maintain a low profile on Port Wander which is precisely what he wants if he is to eventually make a play for becoming Station Commander.   Lord Hobart is known for being a no-small-talk type of person and his somewhat reclusive nature tends to conceal his less than legitimate means of income from time to time. As a major hub for the cold trade, Hobart has become a very rich man off of the illicit contraband passing through port wander, much of which is sold right there in the Gilt Processional. Any time illegal goods are found, Chime will offer the proprietor a deal to pay him a healthy cut of any profits in return for the privilege of him turning a blind eye. Those that agree can still make a decent amount of money. Those that don't find the Gilt Processional Arbiters at their doorstep in very short order and then the goods are seized and siphoned through the other businesses that have agreed to tow the party line.   Chime has seemed more interested in xeno tech in the last few years than before. Rumors abound that he has found some new tech that will further his goals in a multitude of ways. As such Chime Hobart has made more frequent stops to his 'vendors' who have been dealing with illegal xeno-tech in the last few years. It's possible that there is some validity to the rumors surrounding him as any missions he specifically has sent out into the void in his name in the last five years have been to recover specific objects of interest to him that are more than likely not imperial in origin.


Contacts & Relations

The crew


He is very watchful and you notice his eye dart around nearly constantly, even when engaged in conversation up close, as though he is listening to voices all about him or constantly scanning for danger in all directions.


Commanding yet soothing voice. His military background can make him gruff when he wants to be but overall he is soft spoken and tries to maintain an aura of pleasant decorum when speaking to others not matter how frustrated he is.


Wealth & Financial state

Very upper-class, he owns and operates a large chunk of the port station and as such is included in important conversations about the station. He is currently in a position to become station master but he isn't interested at this time beyond pushing the now station master into doing what he wants.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
42049 AI 62 Years old
Current Residence
The Gilt Processional
Darting and observant, Dark Blue
light brown with a healthy amount of grays and silver mixed in
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bone White
92 Kg


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