Dockmaster Luke Corexarn Character in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Dockmaster Luke Corexarn

Dockmaster Luke Lexican Corexarn

Luke Corexarn is a hard to deal with no nonsense sort of guy. He's dealt with Rogue Traders, Ork Freebooters, Eldar Corsairs, Drukhari Raiders and a half a dozen other less savory races that have docked at The Hermitage over the years, not to mention the Imperial Navy and even the stray Space Marine vessel. Needless to say he doesn't startle easily and he know what he and his serves are worth in a place like the Hermitage. He's made a cozy little life for himself here and he doesn't plan to make anyone else's easier if it means he has to work harder or earn less.   Luke is a tall man for Terran standards but largely average for Void born standards. He is pale and always squints when he talks. He has a good deal of body hair and a full head of hair to match. He's a little bit vain about looking good despite the grease monkey work that he does day in and day out. He commonly wears grayish overalls, a long coat over that, thick boots and anything else he needs as he moves about the docks from task to task.
Current Location
Dark Brown, Squinty
Lots of body hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs


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