Hemelshot Angler Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Angler

A Hemelshot Angler collects its own grisly fertilizer by grabbing and crushing anything that passes within reach and deposits the carcasses near its roots. A mature Angler consists of a main vine about twenty feet long with smaller vines branching off the main vine every six inches or so. These small vines bear clusters of leaves which bear small fruits that resemble wild grapes.

  Movement: N/A

Wounds: 20

Skills: None.

  Talents: None.

  Traits: From Beyond, Natural Weapons (Tendrils), Resilient x2*, Size (Enormous), Sticky*, Strange Physiology, Sturdy, Unnatural Toughness (x2), Valuable*

  Armor: None

  Weapons: Tendrils (Pen 0; Primitive (9), Snare [2]).

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
vinea mortem Hemelshot
Geographic Distribution


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