Hemelshot Archer Bush Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Archer Bush

A Hemelshot Archer Bush is a piece of flora on Hemelshot Two that hunts by firing small darts that fill the victim with its spores. It can lash out to dangerous creatures that come to close with its whip like vines that are studded with the same small darts. The victim then has an uncontrollable need to return to the archer bush. The proximity of the victim to the bush causes the toxins to work faster and faster eventually killing the victim once it comes with a few scant meters of the archer bush, feeding the soil with its decaying remains.

  Movement: N/A

Wounds: 8

Skills: Vigilance, Dodge

  Talents: None.

  Traits: Flexible x2*, Foul Aura (Soporific)*, From Beyond, Natural Weapons (Thorns), Projectile Attack x2*, Size (Scrawny), Strange Physiology, Sturdy.   Armor: None.

  Weapons: Thorns (Medium Range, Pen 1; Primitive [9]) or Vines (Pen 0; Flexible, Snare [1]).

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Frutex iuvenis sagittarius Hemelshot
Hemelshot 2
Geographic Distribution


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