Hemelshot Chameleoleeches Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Chameleoleeches

The slug-like Chameleoleech subsists by attaching itself to another creature and sucking its blood. It hunts near rivers, preferring wet habitats for its moist skin. It typically grows to between one and three feet in length. After feeding, Chameleoleeches withdraw to digest their sanquinary meal, which can take several weeks. They can detect vibrations, heat and light with sensory organs on their heads. They are aggressively predatory when not sated and seek heat sources with implacable drive. Chameleoleeches have glands near their head that secrete a powerful hallucinogen. This hallucinogen causes lesser creatures to happily roll about the area where Chameleoleeches are hunting, while sentient creatures are plagued by hallucinations of their greatest desires. Many find these delusions addictive.
Scientific Name
Bibe Sanguinem Somnum Valentius Hemelshot
Hemelshot 3-8
Geographic Distribution


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