Hemelshot Choker Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Choker

A Hemelshot Choker is a vicious predator that lurks in the shadows grabbing whatever prey happens by. A Choker's skull, spine and rib cage are bony but its limbs are really tentacles with multiple knobby joints of cartilage. Thus it appears bowlegged and its movements seem peculiar and fluid. Its hands and feet havy spiny pads that help the choker grip almost any surface.

  Movement: Standard

Wounds: 12

Skills: Vigilance, Stealth (3 ranks), Tracking (2 ranks), Silent Move (2 ranks) , Shadowing (2 ranks).

  Talents: Furious Assault

  Traits: Bestial, Brutual Charge, Chameleonic**, Natural Weapons (Tentacles), Valuable*.

  Armor: None.

  Weapons: Tentacles (Pen 0; Primitive [9], Snare [2]).

  *Koronus Beastiary
  **Stars of Inequity
Scientific Name
Nocte Premunt Hemelshot
Hemelshot 3-1
Geographic Distribution


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