Hemelshot Ghost Fungus Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Ghost Fungus

A Hemelshot Ghost Fungus is a large mushroom shape flora that is studded with tendrils. Normally these tendrils are retracted and the Ghost Fungus looks like just from xenos fungus but when a creature comes near the tendrils strike with a speed that catches most creatures off-guard. Once the prey is firmly in its grasp, the Ghost Fungus drags its prey toward its base where it strangles the life from it and then seeds its soil with the prey's carcass.

  Movement: N/A

Wounds: 20

Skills: None.

  Talents: None.

  Traits: Deterrent*, Disturbing*, Fear (1), From Beyond, Natural Weapons (Tendrils), Size (Enormous), Sticky*, Strange Physiology, Sturdy.

  Armor: None.

  Weapons: Tendrils (Pen 0; Primitive [9], Snare [2]).

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Fungi Exspiravit Hemelshot
Hemelshot 3-1
Geographic Distribution


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