Hemelshot Hellscarab Swarm Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Hellscarab Swarm

A Hemelshot Hellscarab Swarm is a clicking chattering mass of insects that falls upon anything organic unable to get away from it. These swarms are normally found in the caves beneath the surface but sometimes they can bubble up from cracks or breaks in the crust that happen from tectonic shifts. They prefer the enclosed subterranean spaces of Hemelshot Two and usually retreat there if there is no food source immediately nearby.

  Movement: Standard

Wounds: 10

Skills: Vigilance, Stealth, Shadowing, Silent Move

  Talents: None.

  Traits: Bestial, Blind, Darkling*, Disturbing*, Fear (2), Natural Weapons (Fangs), Overwhelming*, Size (Swarm)*, Sonar Sense, Steathly*, Swarm Creature*.

  Armor: None.

  Weapons: Abundance of Tiny Fangs (Pen 2; Primitive [9], Tearing).

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Lite Loquax Insectum Hemelshot
Hemelshot 2
Geographic Distribution


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