Hemelshot Howler Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Howler

A Hemelshot Howler is fearsome canine-like beast. It looks like something of an over sized greyhound with dull gray fur and its eyes glow cherry red. Howlers hunt only at night. They fear the light and never venture out in daylight, even if their lives depend on it.


Wounds: 15

Skills: Vigilance, Tracking

  Talents: Frenzy, Talented (Tracking)

  Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Fear (1), Improved Natural Weapons (Fangs), Natural Armor (2)

  Armor: Thick Fur (All 2)

  Weapons: Fangs (Pen 3; Tearing)

Scientific Name
Titi noctem
Geographic Distribution


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