Hemelshot Man-Trap Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Man-Trap

These large fields of foul smelling flora cover the surface of Hemelshot Two. The foul aura that exudes from these fields can overpower creatures in but a few moments and cause them to go unconscious. The flora then digests the unfortunate victim over the course of several days.



Movement: N/A

Skills: None

  Talents: None

  Traits: Armored*, Diffuse*, Foul Aura (Soporific) x2*, From Beyond, Natural Armor (2), Size (Massive), Strange Physiology, Sturdy.

  Armor: Natural (All 4)

  Weapons: Digesting Tendrils (Pen 1; Tearing)

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Drosera Foetor
Hemelshot 2
Geographic Distribution


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