Hemelshot Revenant Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Revenant

A Hemelshot Revenant is large beast that skulks in the shadows of the forests of Hemelshot Two. It is capable of taking down many different types of prey but it usually only wounds it prey and then lets it flee and die elsewhere. It then follows the scent of its prey to feast on the rotting remains. This manner of hunting gives it its name.

  Movement: Standard speed

Wounds: 22

Skills: Coordination , Vigilance, Climbing, Stealth, Dodging, Shadowing, Silent Move, Tracking.

  Talents: Catfall

  Traits: Aboreal*, Bestial, Deadly*, Improved Natural Weapons (Claws), Size (Enormous), Stealthy*.

  Armor: None

  Weapons: Claws (Pen 2; Crippling [2])

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Fur Silvam Hemelshot
Hemelshot 2
Geographic Distribution


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