Hemelshot Wyrmling Species in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Hemelshot Wyrmling

A Hemelshot Wyrmling is a saurian like creature that hunts in packs. The Wyrmling flys above its prey, chasing it into the open so its pack mates can dive on the prey. They are quite accomplished flyers and are also deceptively fast on the ground; able to outrun a normal human with ease.

  Movement: Standard Movement + Free bonus move, Flying

Wounds: 10

Skills: Vigilance, Dodge

  Talents: Lightning Reflexes.

  Traits: Bestial, Flyer, Natural Weapons (Talons), Quadruped, Valuable*.

  Armor: None.

  Weapons: Cruel Talons (Pen 2; Razor Sharp)

  *Koronus Beastiary
Scientific Name
Coetus Draco Hemelshot
Hemelshot 2
Geographic Distribution


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