The "Eternal Perdition"

Officers of the Crew:

  • Lord-Captain: Bjorn Felrider
  • First Officer: Vanirach (Aeldari)
  • Enginseer Prime: Rasputin Aurelius
  • Master-At-Arms: Stig (Last name sealed by Inquisition)
  • Master of Ordinance: Murk the Ork
  • Navigator Primaris: Isaac Clarke
  • Master of Coin: Lord Chime Hobart

Technical Specifics:

  • Tempest-class strike frigate

Essential Components:

  • Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive
  • Strelov 1 Warp Engine
  • Warpsbane Hull
  • Multiple Void Shield Array
  • Combat Bridge
  • M–1.r Life Sustainer
  • Voidsmen Quarters
  • M–201.b Auger Array

Supplemental Components:

  • Sunseer Laser Batteries
  • Starbreaker Lance Weapon
  • Compartmentalized Cargo Hold
  • Augmented Retro-thrusters
  • Armour Plating
  • Munitorium
  • Trophy Room
  • Observation Dome
  • Murder-Servitors

Passengers of Note:

  • Yvraine "Eve" Ullathani (Aeldari)
  • Yu'Vath Remnant Orb "Simon" (No longer aboard)


In many ways, frigates are the pinnacle of the shipbuilder’s art. Lean, fast, and dangerous, frigates can outrun anything they can’t fight, and destroy anything they can catch. Frigates fill the ranks of Battlefleet Calixis, where they are prized commands for the youngest and most aggressive naval captains. While a frigate may not seem as prestigious as a cruiser or battleship, their versatility means they are the Navy’s ship of choice for all manner of actions. Frigates are tasked for convoy escorts, patrols, anti-piracy operations, and even attacks on rebel ships and stations. They routinely skirmish with the frigates and raiders of seditionists, pirates, and even hostile xeno racesThus, a frigate captain is ‘in the mix’ much more often than his counterparts aboard the Battlefleet’s larger vessels.   Frigates are a balance between all aspects of ship design; speed, maneuverability, firepower, and defensesA skilled Mechanicus shipwright can even increase their cargo capacity and supply stowage without greatly reducing any other aspects. They are also relatively common ships, often with robust, simple designs. Therefore they are easily modified and maintained. There are countless stories in the Calixis Sector of crippled frigates lost in space, only to limp into port months later after their crews had affected emergency repairs. All this means frigates are some of the most desired ships for enterprising Rogue Traders. A frigate provides a Rogue Trader with almost unlimited options. Trade, exploration, conquest, piracy, all are possible with a properly outfitted frigate and a captain of pluck and nerve at the helm.  

Quirks of the "Eternal Perdition":

  • Wrothful: The ship’s spirit constantly smoulders with anger. In battle, it explodes into a berserker fury, straining and exhausting its systems.
  • Xenophilous: Through dealings with some xenos race, this vessel has been outfitted with examples of their blasphemous technology.
  • Battle of Wills: The ship's Machine Spirit is not fully in control of it's faculties anymore. Another intelligence, artificial or otherwise is interfering with it's performance and may do something opposite or adroit to a command that was asked of it.
IRT (Imperial Rogue Trader)


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