Hida Tenmaru Character in ROKUGAN 2024 | World Anvil
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Hida Tenmaru

"The Thunder only dispels darkness for a second. If the Shadowlands rise once more, then I just need to strike once more!"


When the Dark Kami Fu Leng was reincarnated into the mortal coil of Ningen-do, Hida Tenmaru saw his opportunity to affirm the Crab as significant to the Empire. After all, a thousand years of relative peace left many wondering why the Crab was even allowed to continue on as a Great Clan. Hida Tenmaru showed them all proof of the Crab's might and the prowess of their armies. While all of Rokugan stood united against the darkness, the Crab proved inspiring champions, unflinching before the ogres and oni.


Tenmaru did not stop there, either. He and his four siblings made significant strides in restoring the Crab to a position of glory among the Great Clans, winning skirmish after skirmish against the Scorpion while also rallying the clan against oft-common foes. It was under Tenmaru's reign that the Crab finally negotiated peace with the Scorpion and the two Clans redoubled their efforts to build a unified South, to ensure that Rokugan would be forever safe.


While peace was won with the Scorpion, the Shadowlands grew restless. Over the last decade, Tenmaru's siblings lost their lives one by one until only the youngest, Maromachi, was still alive--safe in the courts and away from the battlefields. Fiercely protective of the only family he had, Tenmaru himself insisted that his own son, Ryoma, recieve more training and only be allowed his gempukku once the rage in the Shadowlands had been quenched. There are many who saw Tenmaru's restless campaigns against the Darkness as a doomed attempt to carve a path for the Crab's future.


Tenmaru is remembered fondly among the Crab as one of the greatest heroes to emerge from their Clan. He strode with the strength of Hida in his bones and fought for clan and Empire with a tireless, infectious vigor. Tenmaru's capacity to bring great minds together and entrust the future of the Crab with the capable souls he rallied around him has breathed a new hope into the clan--a hope they still have not lost despite his demise.



Hida Tenmaru was a mountain of a man--nearly seven feet tall and forged through daily conflict. Despite his stature, Tenmaru was oft-considered the most approachable person in any given room, his expression lighting up as he recognized those he rallied around him. As the wars with the Shadowlands raged on, Tenmaru's hair became streaked with ghastly white, though his vitality never waned. The last years of his life had run him ragged, however, as he sacrificed time at home to be on the front lines where he was needed. After the death of his wife, leaving him with only a single child, Tenmaru was never presentable for even Crab courts--unkempt, always armored, he insisted that the battlefield was the only place he was truly welcome anymore.
The Second Crab Thunder, deceased.


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