Kuni Izumi Character in ROKUGAN 2024 | World Anvil
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Kuni Izumi

"There is no hope in tomorrow if you can not place your hope in others. You believe and me and I will believe in you; together, we are unstoppable."


The last century had seen many Kuni rise to positions of prominence and even more Shugenja born within the ranks of the Crab. Izumi found herself as one such blessing and made a name for herself during the Second Day of Thunder as she personally navigated the Crab through the political trappings of the time all while networking her fellow Crab Shugenja into powerful support troops for trapping and slaying the worst of the Shadowlands threats.

Izumi is an infinitely patient woman, a trait which has served her well both in courts and in the field. Never one to shy from confrontation, she would personally accompany Kuni Witch Hunters when she caught wind of any threat that may require assistance from the kami to quell.

Izumi's reputation was only further bolstered when Hida Maromachi, youngest brother of the Clan Champion, arranged for marriage with her. The two had proven a dynamic pair in the courts and the strengthening of Crab families through the Hida acknowledging the capabilities of the Kuni proved a historical moment in ensuring Kuni fidelity to the Crab in the trying times to come. Her marriage with Maromachi was not without its own challenges, as it soon became clear that Izumi's prolonged exposure to the Shadowlands had rendered her unable to bear children. Ever resourceful, Izumi turned to adoption, choosing to uplift a peasant girl, Rin, due to the child's capacity to percieve the foul workings of the Shadowlands. This made it clear that Izumi's marriage to Maromachi wasn't an endeavor in political maneuvering--Izumi had always valued people's individual talents no matter their place on the Kharmic Wheel.


Taller than her husband, Kuni Izumi's relative height has served her well in being able to survey over the heads of others while on the battlefield and in the courts. Despite her propensity for battle and her insistence on firsthand interactions with Rokugan's enemies, Izumi always endeavored towards presentability. Her even-paced nature found its way into her sense of aesthetics, as she did not mind the time spent brushing her hair or properly pleating her clothes unlike many of her peers in the Crab. This, of course, served to give her that much edge in courts where she oft-defied expectation of the Crab from other clans. It's rumored that she made a bet with her sister that she would only ever cut her hair when she lost a fight or an argument and, given the nature of her waist-long night-dark locks, it seems she's not lost since the bet was made.
Kuni Diplomat, Oni Hunter, and wife to the acting Crab Clan Champion.


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