Agasha Isei

Agasha Isei is the eldest child of Mamoru and Rukiko. The first of 3 siblings, he was always very protective of the younger Hideaki and Chiasa as they grew up in their large household. Gifted with the ability to speak with the kami, it was only a matter of time before he was inducted into the teachings of the Agasha Alchemists. Shortly into his schooling, though, when the young Isei was just graduating from Gempukku, his family was chosen to make the sacrifice for peace between the Mantis and the Phoenix at the end of the War of Fire and Thunder. As he was becoming a man, Isei found himself in a strange new land under the Moshi family's jurisdiction.   Isei adapted to his foster family quickly, although his new foster sister Moshi Naoki resented his repeated attempts to be doting. In the Moshi family, women were the elite, and while it was well-meaning, Isei's natural inclination toward being an elder brother was taken as an insult that she often argued with him about. As they grew together in the lands of the Mantis, he became more and more able to adapt to the new cultural standards around him, and found himself making quick friends with the rowdy and uncouth culture he had been left within. The establishment of the Shugenja school under the Yoritomo took a lot of hands to build, and Isei was among those hands, and soon reaped the benefits when a diviner noticed his close affinity to the Thunder Dragon and Osano-Wo. Many of his Mantis friends claimed that Isei was never meant to be a Phoenix at all, and he found himself an Acolyte in the Thunder Dragon's new worshipers, rising to a Champion of Thunder before his fostering came to an end, and he returned to Phoenix lands at the age of 22.   Already having begun to make a name for himself amongst the Mantis for his strange gift with Air and Fire Invocations, it was only a matter of time before the Phoenix, too, began to notice him. He joined the Hurricane Legion and quickly rose through the ranks, until he and several others lead in the creation and implementation of a mass ritual that allowed the Hurricane Legion to stop the advancement of the Khan as he tried to storm the Imperial City, stopping the War of the Khan's Wrath and quickly jettisoning his name to one whispered in households for his successes.   It was clear to the Samurai of the Phoenix clan that Isei would ascend to an Elemental Master--but which one? Would the Master of Air or the Master of Fire take him under their wing first?   That question never came to be answered. A war broke out in the Phoenix lands, cutting them off from the new ascension of the Empress Totori the 4th and embroiling them in turmoil. Several of the Elemental Masters had become corrupt, turning to Maho and the Kolat with the intention of overthrowing the Clan Champion, whom they advised. The Phoenix lands split and fissured into battles, closing their borders to the Empire in hopes of saving face, but after almost a year, the Clan Champion's side was losing.   Agasha Isei, one of the few men in the Empire that could teleport long distances by his own created Ritual to Ride the Lightning, reached out to the soon-to-be Empress for aid. Heroes were sent, and armies to supplement the losing side before the Kolat could get their claws deep into the Empire's most prominent clan of Shugenja. The war concluded, and, with it, the Masters of Air and Fire were both executed. This hole was filled by Agasha Isei in the seat of the Master of Air, and, at his suggestion, Agasha Tomeiru as the Master of Fire.




Isei is a clever man, if he does say so himself, and an attractive one. He's blessed with the favor of the Thunder Dragon and he has lived an exciting and glorious life. He has a stubborness that would make an ox roll its eyes and is fearless in the face of adversity. Despite all his overconfidence, Isei is also a decent person, and while perhaps not the most virtuous Samurai who has ever walked the earth, one would not claim that Isei is without honor.  


Isei cannot resist a pretty face, nor a chance to see someone fight with someone else. It's a bad habit for him to stir the pot at courtly events, or even at Council, riling up the older Masters at inconvenient times just because it amuses him. He has a lot of social status and power, and this gives him a level of privilege that allows him a lot of freedom--and that freedom is most often used to try to seduce pretty people, and Isei does not discriminate in this seduction based on gender. He's clever enough to keep this out of the limelight like a proper Samurai should, but a con can smell a con, and there are plenty of men and women who are quite aware what that roguish smile means--and it has nothing to do with commitment.  



Family Ties

Agasha Mamoru and Rukiko love their children, and when they were chosen as the family to foster one of them, they were not pleased with their duty. They chose Isei because he was the oldest, because there was no chance he would grow too far apart from them. While they do blanch at some of his more Mantis behaviors nowadays, they believe their son has more than earned his right to their trust and support, giving him the freedom to have say in his own matrimony and when it might happen, although his mother still suggests powerful women at him frequently, the amount has dropped off since his younger brothers have settled down and had children of their own. His relationship with Hideaki is strong, although more distant now with his newfound duties, and his relationship with Chiasa is distant if congenial, as he spent the majority of Chiasa's growing years apart from him, and hasn't had a lot of opportunity to get close to him. On the other hand, his relationship with Naoki is familial and fairly close, even if they see each other sparingly now that they are adults with very, very separate lives.  

Social Aptitude

Isei is an adaptable and talented man in almost everything he does, and that includes courtly affairs. Clever as a whip and well-educated, he blends into a social situation like a Chameleon and fits in comfortably with the highest of courts and the lowest of Ronin, although no matter which, he's bound to cause a bit of mischief.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Male


Gold and sharp
Black brown, short, and slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm brown