Bayushi Shoraku

Born and raised in the Bayushi lands of the Scorpion clan, Shoraku was a bit of a dreamer when he was younger. He is now a rising star in the Scorpion military--a gifted commander, capable swordsman, and quite skilled on horseback.



Level headed and quick thinking, Shoraku strives to be the best at everything he does. He is insightful enough to know when his talents are not the best to serve a situation, and will seek out those whose talents are better. While he would prefer to be capable and adept at everything, he is wise enough to know his limits.


Despite his usual level-headedness and insight, his pride can get the better of him and he will refuse to back out of a fight. When assigned a task, he is often driven somewhat excessively to succeed. He seems to have a recurring dream that spurs him into taking assignments that contradict his normal goals of rising through the ranks.


Family Ties

Shoraku's mother died during childbirth, and he was raised by his father and aunt. While they both were worried of him when he was younger due to his more day-dreamer nature, most of their concerns have been put to rest as he has grown into a successful and competent young man. He is distantly related to Bayushi Paneki, and goes out of his way to try to gain his cousin's attention and respect, something he's succeeding more and more at as he rises through the rank.

Social Aptitude

Like most Scorpion, he is at least decent in courtly affairs. Most respect his ambition and dedication to his role. The fact that he is a rather attractive individual has definitely helped him in more than one situation.


Kitao second in command She is very impatient. She constantly looks for the loophole. She cannot tolerate rough living conditions.
  Fuzaki He has cropped, wavy, black hair and brown eyes. He has smooth black skin. He stands 167cm (5'5") tall and has a fat build. He has a sharp, pretty face with a very short moustache. He smells of honey. He is very benevolent. He is very lazy. He intermittently laughs at inappropriate times. He always carries food in his pockets.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Male


Honey Brown
Black, straight, hangs halfway down back; usually in a simple fashion but with elaborate adornment
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tan