Hantei Khenbish

A charming man of short stock with a mane of hair that sits across his shoulders gives Khenbish the friendly aura of a curious hedgehog. Due to his particularly good abilities in court, he spent a lot more time with Daigotsu and Sa'hai and Kanpeki than with the rowdy and untamed likes of Awakane and Lehn, and this had two impressions on Khenbish: he, similar to Kanpeki, worships Daigotsu in a way that is not fleeting, and he drinks to assuage the pain of loss. He drinks to assuage the pain a lot.
  Khenbish, like any Dark Moto, loves his demonic horse as much as any family member. Todoriki is an ornery animal that frequently finds it amusing to just collapse onto Khenbish and pin him until the small man can lift his 2000lb body and get out from underneath him.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
