Hantei Lehn

Moto Lehn has been Moto Lehn for the majority of his life, and everything about him ekes dark Moto, even with his new embrace of the name Hantei. Lehn has been a raider in the shadowlands and one of the most long-lived members of the remaining Dark Moto. During the Ronin heroism, Lehn and his dark Moto primarily played the villains stirring up trouble at first, as his absolutely terrifying countenance left little question of whether a village needed saving.
  While older than Kanpeki, Lehn is wholly dedicated to the Daigotsu family for saving his, and that loyalty to Kanpeki's father was easily transferred. When the Spider clan was made official, Lehn took up the reigns as one of its foremost generals, and the Spider boasted a smaller, but just as elite, cavalry as the Unicorn clan's battlemaidens.
  The other thing that defines Lehn is that he doesn't think things through--and he doesn't like being told no. When he crossed paths with Utaku Naomi, he immediately set about hunting her, despite her status and traditional adherence to the laws of Bushido. When she sought a husband, he showed up, posh, to try to ask for her hand, not thinking about the consequences or the fact that, as a tainted man, he could not get married. He didn't ask anyone's advice or permission, either.
  He also didn't think about the fact that the horses would bolt at the scent of him, giving him away. While he intended to walk away from that meeting, he did anything but, and Utaku Naomi and his relationship became one of one-sided lust and taking what he wanted every time they crossed paths--accidentally or otherwise.
  Utaku Naomi never accepted him, and she married a crane man and produced children with them, but that didn't deter Lehn. Later in their life of cat and dog fights, she did come to treat him as a person she valued and relied on, and allowed him knowledges nobody else was allowed about her personality, but their relationship was never official--not even to her closest friends.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
