Hiruma Tara

Large and as powerful as any crab man, Hiruma Tara cuts a powerful figure. Almost always in her great armor and sporting multiple weapons, she is grim and determined on the battlefield as much as she is friendly and boisterous off of it. She lacks any form of courtly etiquette and the easiest way to impress her is to perform your duties well.  




Tara is an easy going and friendly bushi, with a stalwart personality and a complete dedication to her friends. She stands by those she has committed to, and she's protective of those she cares about.  


The other side to that protective streak is a tendency to quickly escalate a situation to violence if she feels a person she loves is insulted. Loud, with no care for social norms, she's a crab among crab, and would do terribly outside of her home setting. Most egregiously, she's physically affectionate--quickly and entirely, violating Rokugani custom with large hugs and touches that many non-crab Samurai would find insulting.  



Family Ties

Cousin to Hida Yamato, they are very close; often, people will mistake them for siblings for how close they are. She had a good relationship with her parents before they both were killed on an encounter on the Wall a few years ago. She has a good relationship with her Uncle and Aunt, having been pseudo adopted by them. She has an elder sister who has taken over running the family's estate. Her and her sister do not get along well--her sister is much more quiet, bookish and reserved, and their personalities just don't mesh well.  

Social Aptitude

None. She does just fine with most crabs, but the moment she is expected to interact with those outside her immediate clan's culture, she begins to chafe. From a distance, many can handle Hiruma Tara, but the Crab woman's tendency to be overt and physical in her affection gets her in a lot of trouble with other Samurai.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Homoromantic Pansexual
Dark Black
Messy, thick, black hair past shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale from a lack of sun

Character Portrait image: by Sethron