Iuchi Xiang Sho

Xiang grew up speaking to spirits and coaxing them into talismans, as all Iuchi are taught, but found himself somewhat alienated from the others by strange whispers that called him to the woods at night. Some thought him in danger of the taint, but it lead him into Utaku Anna. Xiang had been drawn into the woods by the feeling of hostility, and found Anna fending a small group of bakemono off from her steed, Shiloh, after she had obviously been thrown. Not quite out of Gempukku, her abilities seemed uncoordinated at best, and Xiang stepped in--a few years her senior--and helped her drive them off.
  At first, Xiang was a little concerned by Anna. She had an aura about her that was unwelcoming and gruff, and when she summoned the spirits, her eyes glowed a sickly and dangerous green. At first, he wanted to heal her and walk away, but she grabbed him up into a bear hug so fast for helping her that the fear quickly subsided. They became best friends.
  It was because of her that he got pulled into the squad that followed Utaku Naomi. Naomi's first foray into her mother's trade required a group of individuals that would strengthen her and help her grow into a battlemaiden of great renown, and Anna dragged Xiang up as a perfect shugenja to back them up. The four of them--Naomi, Sera, Anna and Xiang--became inseparable. They trained to lead armies together, and told each other everything.
  Well, almost everything. Anna's secret came first; she was in love with Moto Reick, her first cousin. It was hard for her, because she would never disobey Shinjo's tenets, but she couldn't imagine a life without him. His came second--he fell for a lion, and not just any lion: Utaku Naomi's biggest rival's little sister. Both joked that they would take these secrets to the grave, but Xiang's secret bore fruit he didn't know about. While he and Matsu Kita never got together, she did get pregnant and give birth to his child, which she promptly hid from everyone and gave away to a Ronin couple without his knowledge.
  Xiang also helped prevent the war of the Fortune of Dark Fire. A reincarnation of the Fortune of Fire, he was given a portent of the coming war, and the Empire was able to react to it in time to avoid the cataclysmic level of casualties that would have presented themselves. He was uncannily blessed in the element--a blessing he gave up years later to save Naomi's stillborn child with the help of a Naga shaman.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
