Kaeru Nikko

Kaeru Nikko's mother fell in love with her father when they were young, and followed him out to Toshi Josho to start a family. She had one child and loved him very much, but ended up dying when Nikko was 5 due to illness. His father then fell into a drunken stupor, and while he brought women home, it usually resulted in violent altercations instead of the love he was looking for.
  His father was never particularly violent with the women, but the women he was drawn to were of a specific sort--a sort that reminded him of Nikko's mother. Gangsters, mob bosses, powerful women who had no respect for a man who couldn't hold it together.
  Over time, Nikko became somewhat enamoured with the violence. When he was 8, he started getting into fights. When he was 10, he joined a small gang. When he was 12, the Hize took notice of him and his fair looks and particular aggressions. When he was officially recognized as an adult at 13 with very little preamble, he was told to choose a name, and chose to stay with his old one "Sunshine", because it reminded him of his mother, and, besides--everyone he cared about already knew him by the name.
  Nikko is in almost all the strange goings on around Toshi Josho--he likes to be where the fights are. Unless something supernaturally keeps him away or he's otherwise occupied, he's sticking his nose in. This is part of how he ended up with Koshiro. The Akehebi member was crazy and violent, and Nikko really liked teasing him. They ended up on strange supernatural trips together--one time to Yume-do with the Imperial heir even. Koshiro and Nikko are obsessed with one another, but neither of them will admit to being in love, because that's a weak word.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
