
When she was younger, growing up in Chinohana, Kirai and her best friend Shizuko tried out for the Hizekaze gang. While Shizuko was accepted in, Kirai was deemed too "average". Not pretty enough, she was told, and so Kirai said fuck it and made her own gang that didn't care about that stupid shit.
  She's still friends with Shizuko, who has risen to captain in the Hizekaze, but she thinks the group is too focused on the shallow part of looks. After all, when you get hit in the face enough, you stop looking pretty. She runs a gang of about 20 in the Chinohana District called the Tobihaze--The Mudskippers.
  Her gang works with the Hizekaze and enjoys some amount of kickbacks from doing so. She's also known for being one of the more organized gangs around.
  She ended up stuck being close to a Kinkan Gang member during one of the more weird events at Toshi Josho. A Unicorn samurai of insane size, she didn't get on with him very well. He, on the other hand, found her very appetizing, and their inability to be separated gave him several opportunities, which he took advantage of, to fuck the hell out of her.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
