Kitsuki Zeshin

Despite the appearance of a slightly disheveled drunk, Zeshin is keen-eyed and hyper aware. Before the events that drove him to the bottle, he was a well-respected investigator and magistrate for the Dragon clan and earned the title of Justicar; nowadays, he is a bit more lackadaisical in duty and attitude.




When sober, Zeshin is highly dedicated to the pursuit of justice and his task as an investigator. Keen senses and a good intuition mean, despite being a little untrusting at times, he is good at reading people and situations. Brave to nearly a fault, he rarely runs when the time for action comes.


Always a little on edge and inherently a little distrusting, he can sometimes come off abrasive and hostile. Also, as of recently, he is often deep into his cups. This has caused a more carefree, but generally lazy, attitude toward his duties. He is still dedicated, when he can be bothered into it, but those days have become less and less frequent.



Family Ties

Not much of Zeshin's family remains. Orphaned shortly after his gempaku, he clung hard to his sister, who trained to become a Niten master; however, a conflict with the Yobanjin cost her life to resolve. His grandmother blamed him, calling him the source of bad fortune of the family, and tried to get him out of her hair by marrying him off. This resulted in his marriage to a unruly and angry Battle maiden. Uncomfortable in the new mountainous region and keenly aware this marriage was a punishment for both of them, she has proven to be nothing but hostile to Zeshin. She has even gone so far as to cause "accidents", in hopes she can leave these kami-forsaken mountains and return home.

Social Aptitude

The combination of a constant state of distrust and hyper-vigilance from years of hunting criminals as well as his now usual semi-drunken state has made social interaction hard, to say the least. Zeshin has never noticeably gifted at the arts of conversation, except when trying to pry information from someone. He often tends to rub people the wrong way.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Smoldering Red Brown
Messy, shoulder-length black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm Brown
Lean & fit

Character Portrait image: by Sethron