Kuni Kawagiri

Kawagiri has always been a woman on the edge of a cliff. She was trained as a Kuni Purifier, so since Gempukku, she has been dealing with the taint. Her travels into and out of the shadowlands brought her close to several Nezumi tribes, which she called friends, and as a person who has always embraced being a little outside the normal, she felt a kinship with them that most outside the Hiruma never got to foster.
  Her entry into the greater story happened when the daughter of the Yasuki family Daimyo, Reisuka, found her soul split between herself and the newly returned-to-life Toturi Tsudao. As a member of the crab clan, and one familiar with the shadowlands, she was tasked with helping Reisuka retrieve a new version of her soul through a portal to Yume-do, the realm of dreams. The problem was: that portal resided deep within the Enemy's domain.
  They did succeed at their task, encountering a strange version of Rokugan in which the world was in the far future and Tsudao was a mafia boss Empress. While Reisuka was unwilling to kill, the Empress did get slain when she tried to kill one of the other members of their entourage, and they were successful.
  For a large portion of her life thereafter, she spent it in the background, until she was summoned into the foreground again when the Empress ordered her to enter a political marriage to an Otomo boy named Takehiko. Asexual and not looking for prospects, Kawagiri was unphased by this request, especially since the ostensible request was to look after the Empress' 4th heir and raise her. Kawagiri liked the idea of being a mother without the burden of romance--and romance there was not. Takehiko was not interested in anyone--least of all women--romantically. Kawagiri wasn't sure the boy knew how to express romance.
  He was a bit of a spoiled brat, and a prodigy at his trade--a hero renowned for his bladework. But, he was also entangled with the Spider Clan Champion, sexually. A fact Kawagiri was sure he liked, but wouldn't admit to, and expressed his dislike of the Spider clan and the Clan Champion himself overtly loudly to prove he didn't like it. Kawagiri primarily raised their child, and she was happy to be part of the strange, large family at Otosan Uchi, with its strange mix of those who wanted to be parents raising all the children there, and those who didn't want to--which included her husband--not participating at all.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
