Moshi Sachiko

Sachiko is a Moshi courtier whose friendship with Yoritomo Raishen translated into her becoming his direct political advisor when he took the mantle of Clan Champion. In her capacity as that person, she has been sent on many diplomatic missions that Raishen believes he would have botched, and is present at each Winter Court.
  In this capacity, she has met many people, and Sachiko is a disaster lesbian. Her relationship and torrid affair with Kaeru Masuyo is an ongoing mess, with the Kaeru showing up randomly and without warning to fuck her senseless before disappearing into the night like a wet dream.
  She also gets on fabulously with Yoritomo Raishin's wife, although not sexually. They are close friends and confidants, and Sachiko's tendency to be a bully to Raishen helps that relationship, as Oyumi spent the first many years of her marriage to Raishen just insulting him. She is unofficially acknowledged as the wife of the Queen of the Tsuno--a title Oyumi gained by dueling the King of the Tsuno and winning the exchange.
  Sachiko has been an active participant in the raising of Oyumi and Raishen's strong-willed child, and was an advisor to her for her short reign as Clan Champion, as well.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
