Moto Horus

Horus trained as a trader among the Ide and was always a generous and kind soul. He worked with many gaijin in the capitol city of Khanbulak for his formative years and had acquired a taste for strange foods and culture by the time he showed up on the political scene as a potential husband for the newly crowned Empress Toturi IV.
  The Winter court of the biggest change in his life occurred at Kyuden Kitsune, among the magical forests and trees, where he was interrogated by the Empress' castellan Shosuro Hide. This, of course, was a primarily political endeavor for him, put upon him by his family and his duty to his clan. He, you see, wasn't at all interested in the Empress. He was quite homosexual. He doubted, by the time he was out of that room with that Castellan, that he would be considered. She knew. She could ferret almost anything out of anyone, he suspected, and he was no exception.
  It was a surprise when his courtship was approved, but became increasingly less surprising as he started to know the royal family. When he married Toturi (formerly Shosuro) Izamiya, the Empress had little to no interest in him. He was not fool enough to miss that she was in love with her yojimbo, the dragon clan screw up, Kitsuki Zeshin. The marriage was, then, political, and that was fine by him. He did his duty, and Izamiya and himself were well suited to a partnership and an alliance.
  He was a trophy Emperor, and he performed his duties as such. It wasn't until several years in, with Izamiya pregnant with their first child, he'd met Taikano. The little cat spirit had attached himself to him rather suddenly on one of his travels back home, and seemed very interested in him. Horus was quickly seduced, but when Taikano thought to slip away into the night with his blackmail, the cat was stopped. Horus was not a fool, and had caught on that Taikano himself was being blackmailed, and that was a dangerous game to play. One that lead straight to the Ide family and one of his old sensei.
  Horus had her executed, and asked Taikano to stay with him. His lover prowls the castle now in their old age, frequently attending court as Horus' pet cat. Izamiya is well aware of the arrangement and Taikano is acknowledged in his human form as one of the palace shugenja. Horus spends a good few months out of every year traveling abroad, with an annoyingly large protective caravan despite his protests, and did not become aware that Izamiya's primary bodily form was male until after retirement, as the Empress always performed sexual acts as a woman with him.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
