Seppun Taikano

Currently donning the Seppun last name, Taikano's actual alter-ego isn't very fleshed out. He came into Ningen-do because he'd found a young Seppun Astrologist to play some pranks on, and became quick friends with her. She has yet to enter Gempukku, even, and Taikano finds her fascinating. She gave him his last name, on a goof, and taught him the little magic that he first got into. After that, he became addicted. He sat in the back of classes, taught himself by listening and without their permission. He stole their gifts, because speaking to the Kami was fun, and he had a gift for it.   Unfortunately, he was beguiled by an Ide from the Unicorn clan who quickly figured him out, and had been visiting the palace to deliver medication to the young Seppun child for her weak heart. A mistake in the medication, she said, would certainly kill her, and so close to Gempukku, it would be a shame. All Taikano had to do in order to make sure this medicine kept coming on time and steady was to work for the Ide woman.   So.. he agreed. His current mission is simple--seduce the Empress' soon-to-be consort so he has an ear and control on the Empire. More specifically, make Moto Horus fall in love with him, so his control is leveragable without blackmail.