Shinjo Yamasaki

Yamasaki's family was traveling the sand roads and were attacked by bandits. Dragged back to become a slave, Yamasaki met a few others who had fallen to this fate along the way. Among them was a samurai named Shinjo Raeni. From a minor family under the Shinjo, Raeni was a family daimyo and had taken the charge of coming and securing the sand road as a favor to the Moto. She, like her small family, were wiped out by this large bandit grew, but Yamasaki managed to sneak out of the encampment with Raeni's sword.
  Raeni haunts Yamasaki now, both helping her and disappointed in her, as she claims that Raeni made her a samurai. Yamasaki managed to become quite educated in the ways of Bushido and how she would construct her cover story while spending 4 years in captivity with Raeni
  She now lives as a "samurai" in Unicorn lands, having been tested and allowed into the bounds of Rokugan. She lacks a perfect understanding of how to make it here, but she does not want to go back home, as there is nothing for her there, and she feels she owes Shinjo Raeni
  Marta family is in charge of oral history; Kiroku family is in charge of keeping records.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
