Shosuro Izamiya

Shoshuro Actor

Shosuro Izamiya is everything a Shosuro should be - beguiling, flexible, and without shame. The boy has no problem slipping into a role to suit the family's--or his own--interests, and his ambitions are without end. While he knows his limits in practicality, if there is a hint of a pathway to surpass them, he's not the type to let the opportunity go.



Blessed with a silver tongue and looks that make a room stop when he enters, Izamiya is a charismatic powerhouse of the Courtier game. A chameleon of the Shosuro Acting school, the young boy can assume any part he pretends at, including obfuscating his gender if necessary. Shosuro Izamiya does believe in the prosperity of the empire and, while personally ambitious, would not betray it even for his own gain--although, betrayal is sometimes understood differently by a Scorpion than a Lion or Crane.


Izamiya lacks empathy for the plights of others, and appealing to him on behalf of the moral good doesn't sway him whatsoever. Murder and treachery is within his character without a doubt, and frequently when he seems to like someone, he's lying. He has a hard time feeling anything for anyone, actually, aside from loyalty to his own clan and family, and even that is less a feeling than a moral drive that has been instilled in him from a young age.


Family Ties

Izamiya's parents are Ime and Matsudo Shosuro, and he is the only child they have produced. Some say it is becomes Ime does not do well with giving birth, as she was hidden away in sick when she was carrying him and for a few months after. His parents are proud of him and protective, quick to react in his defense if the situation arises, though it rarely does. His uncle and aunt have a daughter, Hide, who looks quite similar to Izamiya in form, and the two of them are not close in the traditional sense. But, a Scorpion is clan first, and the betterment of the clan is always at the forefront of all of their minds.

Social Aptitude

It would be almost impossible to actually realize that Izamiya dislikes you. In most conversations, the small boy appears friendly, timid, and frail. He keeps his opinions to himself, relying far more heavily on flattery than honesty, but none of these pleasantries outweigh the cultural knowledge that a scorpion with a secret is a danger, indeed, and Izamiya is very good at gaining secrets.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Red brown
Black & medium length, fluffy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation