Shosuro Noriaki

Usually seen as quiet and unassuming, Noriaki tends to disappear into the background for most. This has always worked out to his advantage. Dedicated to the cause of his clan, he is willing to take on most sacrifices for the honor and pride of his Daimyo. He is a gifted shinobi and shugenja of the Scorpion clan.



Dedicated and more than willing to make sacrifices when necessary, Noriaki has no problem giving up his honor or himself if it furthers the clan's interests. Despite considerable talent as both a shinobi and shugenja, he harbors no particular ambitions or interests outside of being the best asset to the Scorpion clan that he can be.


Constantly on edge due to his profession of protection, along with an off-putting nature make Noriaki hard to get along with at times. He's usually well-intentioned, but also has a tendency to fall into being a bit sleezy when a pretty girl is involved.


Family Ties

He shares a congenial relationship with his parents and elder brother. He has done his family proud, and thus he has a pretty calm home relationship. His brother is a bushi in the Scorpion clan's armies, and although they have never connected closely, they feel fondly for one another.

Social Aptitude

His tendency to be registered as a creep, and his long history of being labeled as the outsider has taught Noriaki to be quiet. The Scorpion has no particularly notable characteristics, and it's a blessing that most people forget him after they talk to him, as he tends to stutter and look deeply uncomfortable. He's been given the basics of etiquette so as not to completely and egregiously misplace himself, but he prefers to stay in the background.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Male


black, falls just past soldiers, pulled back or up in some fashion
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slightly paler than average