Togashi Mareko

Mareko was born to Togashi-Yuumi Aya and Genji, who married Aya from a vassal family under Kitsuki. Mareko is one of three children, and of the three, he is the most problematic, although he doesn't mean to be. His brother and sister were born with even tempers, calm and collected, and Mareko, the youngest, has somehow been cursed with a temper he can barely control, and a disdain for dishonesty that borders on problematic. He volunteered and begged to be sent to the Topaz Championship when the opportunity came for his year, and his eldest sibling, Makori, made an effort by putting her name on the line for Mareko to convince the Dragon clan to send him and give him the opportunity since he seemed so insistent.   Mareko got caught up with a group of Emerald Magistrates shortly after the Topaz Championship, all of them recognized for their participation trying to stop an assassination and assisting a local ghost. He never imagined that this comraderie would end up getting him kicked out of his own world as a reward. Their investigations lead them deep into the heart of the Darkness, following the trails of the infant Nothing as it gathered power, and when Shika Homura--their brave but sometimes foolish Speardancer from the Spear clan--followed Goju Adorai when he fled through a portal into the Shadowlands and slew him permanently, she sealed their fate.   While heroes they were, the taint of the Nothing they carried needed to be brought out of the world in order to seal away the Nothing for good. They were told so by Togashi himself, and Mareko, with a heavy heart, said goodbye to his old family to embrace his new. Young, and very much in love with Matsu Yoshiro, Mareko embraced the knowledge that all worlds are connected and that he might return--this was just an extended time away. They came through to a new Rokugan and the doors were sealed behind them. While some of them handled this poorly, Mareko looked at the silver lining. As a Ronin, nobody cared who he loved, who he married, or what he wanted to do. Fate, on the other hand, knew of Mareko, and so did Togashi, so Mareko was quickly welcomed back into the Dragon clan. They, frankly, didn't care much who he loved, either, but the Lion clan of his soon-to-be husband might.   Yoshiro was not accepted to the Lion, who were having some political problems at the moment and refused to take a risk on accepting a Ronin, even one who had royal blood. The Deer, instead, took in his husband, and, soon, would negotiate to take him in when Mareko asked the Empress for permission to marry his beloved as his reward for heroism in the Destroyer War. Now, Mareko continues about as Shika Mareko, and while his mind still belongs with the Dragon, his heart belongs with Yoshiro.



Mareko is honest, loyal, and wants to prove he is worthy of his family's proud name. He struggles with his temper, but the little monk is aware of this shortfall and works hard to control it. He shows a lot of promise, and he is kind to everyone, ignoring--much like most of his clan--the rules of class when it comes to treating people with respect. He honestly cares for those around him, and makes friends easily because o fit.


Mareko has a thirst for violence he constantly fights to overcome. His inability to resist jumping into a fight pains him, and he has a hard time telling lies as well. While some might not think this a vice, Mareko's passion for truth can go a little bit overboard--even silence in the face of a misconception pains him.



Family Ties

Mareko is somewhat close to his family, although time has separated them from each other by a world now. His passion for truth extends to his expressions of love and he is not quiet about his feelings, whether they are poor or positive, and for his brother, sister, and parents, it is endless as it is for his husband, Yoshiro. Mareko has a difficulty around children, though--as kind as he is, they tend to hate him, and with a temper like his, he doubts he'll ever wish to have a child of his own. He already has a hard time not yelling at the neighbors'

Social Aptitude

Mareko is a calm and collected person, who prefers reason above all else--unless he's faced with a danger that threatens others. Then he can be reckless, hot-headed, and quick to jump into a fight. He's not particularly skilled at court, but he is skilled at a one on one conversation, and he has a knack for calming people down.. if only he was better at calming himself. His disdain for dishonesty is so thorough that bringing him into a room where another is lying and he knows will probably blow their cover--he can't really keep his discomfort off his face.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Male


Homosexual? Yoshiro-sexual.
Current Name
Shika Mareko
Current Clan
Large, dark brown
Messy, medium length, and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skinned