Toku Sayaka

Sayaka is a kind and motherly individual, small of stature but large of heart and spirit. Dutiful and well meaning, she is the type to go out of her way to help others, and she is deeply embarrassed when she accidentally causes harm. Sometimes a bit of a gossip, she never means ill-will, but often says things she shouldn't. Sayaka has a problem with giving in a bit too easily to her desires when it comes to attractive women, but she does her best to keep those emotions in check or hide them from public view.  




Sayaka is a warm and caring person. Dedicated to family and duty, she strives to be the best she can be. She cares not a bit about material wealth, and will happily--and frivolously--spend her money to solve the problems of others. While she will see to the needs of family and friends first, she will not hesitate to help strangers if it does not interfere with her loved ones' health and happiness.  


Despite her caring and motherly nature, Sayaka cannot help but participate in gossip circles--oftentimes causing harm in unintended ways. She is also easily distracted by the wiles of the fairer sex. These traits often lead her into situations and trouble she cannot back out of. While she works earnestly to correct her mistakes, the constant temptation makes it difficult for her to dig herself back out of the holes she falls into.  



Family Ties

While physically distant now from her birth family, Sayaka maintains good ties with her parents and cousins. She is easily able to slide back into the flow of things when visiting her home or the imperial city. Most of her time is spent with her new family in the Monkey clan, trying hard to impress her aunts, who hope she we help elevate the clan's status even farther in the eyes of the empire.  

Social Aptitude

Born into the courts of Kyuden Otomo and Toshi Ranbo, Sayaka is most in her element in courtly politics. A cunning conversationalist and diplomat, she reads peoples' emotions and intentions with general ease. Unfortunately, she has a weakness that is readily exploitable in the courts, as well: Her unsanctioned attraction to her same gender. It is easy to get the better of her if she's enamored with the person she is talking to, especially if the woman is aware enough of Sayaka's tells to use her desires against her. A situation in imperial court with one such Crane courtier lead to her being removed and married to the Monkey clan in order to allow the courts time to forget.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



large, expressive brown
long, straight black down past her rear
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale but flush