Tsuruchi Yuuta

Tsuruchi-matsumodo-uzu Yuuta was meant to be the third son of her parents, Mako and Tai, to replace the two they had lost on a mission to the Ivory Kingdoms, but Yuuta defied that desire and was born a girl. While her parents didn't fault her for this, they had chosen a name for her already, and so Yuuta acquired her masculine name without a question. A Gentle Flight--a wish for the future, that Yuuta would see through to the end of her days and to retirement, unlike her elder brothers.   She has been treated as an only child, and enjoyed the privileges of that, but there is a shrine and two brothers she frequently talks to as her lucky guardians, Haruto and Kaito, her elder brothers. She has, also, had a tendency to allow people to misgender her if it was to her advantage, and maybe has a tendency to run off without permission on long missions to escape her parents' doting, to their utter dismay.



Yuuta is kind and talented. She finds it easy to pick up skills and learn new things, and was a quick master of the bowmanship of the Tsuruchi school. She would have a hard time hurting someone for no good reason, and believes in Bushido, even if she doesn't follow its more stricter paths the way she should, disobeying her family frequently and running off. She's quick to make friends and naive to the ways of the world, but not to the point of being gullible--just to the point of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.


Yuuta is the kind of person who runs away a lot. She uses her schooling as an excuse, often taking jobs that cross the desk without asking permission, and this enthusiasm gets her in trouble often. She isn't the luckiest person out there, and this enforces her almost religious superstitions, believing that losing her brother's talismans would lose any ward against her intense unlucky streak.


Family Ties

Mako and Tai worry over Yuuta to an almost annoying extreme, consistently treating her like she is not quite an adult even though she is. For this reason, Yuuta acts almost like she is not an adult, as she was never really given the opportunity to grow up. Her actions are brash and not well thought through, like someone gasping for air while drowning, rather than someone taking in the breaths at a serene mountaintop. She's skilled--prodigious, even--but without any room to grow, she's stunted.

Social Aptitude

Yuuta has the ability to make her way in court if necessary, picking up the abilities of etiquette as easy as any of the others she had trained in over her life, but she prefers not to. She won't run from a courtly party, and, certainly, would be enamoured with one if her parents were not present, but they currently represent her parents' desires to see her married, her parents' desires to present her, her parents' desires... Nothing of her is there, and so she seeks other ways to express herself. Outside of court, Yuuta is friendly but off-putting. She follows etiquette, but a little bit like someone who isn't quite sure how to talk to someone who is her peer, treating others always as if they are hostiles or her superior and rarely knowing how to find a middle-ground.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Female


Seafoam green
Brown, kinky curls that fro up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, originating from the Ivory Kingdoms

Character Portrait image: by Sethron