Utaku Anna

Anna is known far and wide for her cruelty and murderous streak. It is said that she eats the souls of those who cross her. That's not really true, but it's certainly said a lot. Anna does have a hard time holding back, though. It's something she's working on--not very hard, but she is. One of Naomi's oldest comrades, Utaku Anna was shipped off to the Moto to learn magic when she showed the gift. As she always thought she would be a Battle Maiden, this new situation rubbed her entirely the wrong way.   She did learn, though. She ran away several times, but her teacher always caught her and brought her back. The Air Kami didn't play favorites no matter how many treats you fed them, but she tried. After she had graduated from Gempukku, back to Utaku lands she went, and happy she was to rejoin her family and Naomi's small squad once more. Anna, unfortunately, frequently has to travel back for duties to her teachers and learning new techniques, but her home is always with the Utaku.  



Anna is friendly and very physically affectionate, in a world of little physical touch. She is loyal and proud of the Utaku family and her heritage, and holds herself and those who bear her name to very high standards. She is familiar with and friendly with Gaijin, and unlike most Rokugani, does not consider herself better than them inherently--just different. She knows some of the language of the Ivory Kingdom, broken. She's a great general of a small Cavalry cohort under Naomi, once part of the Unicorn legions and now having followed her to the Imperial ones. She loves new and unique food and gets a high out of a fight, and she's got a memory that holds things like a vice and is passionate about history.


Anna falls into battle like a fish into water, and inside it, she has a hard time holding back. People who are weak tend to get crushed underfoot, and so, so many people are weak. She can't stand the idea of sleeping alone, so used to sleeping closely with her squad in a Ger. Her temper often gets her to attack first and ask questions after, although a few big mistakes have tempered that somewhat.


Family Ties

Anna's mom and dad, Utaku Yoko and Malek, have probably the most extensive horse breeding program in the Empire. Many Utaku Stallions are taken care of there by the extensive Hennin employ, and the peasants are possibly the most rich in the region, and certainly among the best taken care of. A peasant in the care of Anna's family is given certain privileges, and can expect a Samurai will come to their defense if they are wrongfully bullied by another visitor. Like most Utaku, Anna is a child with many siblings. Middle of 7, there is Marekus, a Horse master and slated to take over for their parents, Aric, a Courtier trained by the Ide, Julia, a stern if affable Battle Maiden, Anna herself, Tavi, Another Bushi, trained as Infantry, but deceased when defending a small village from Oni attack, Mishura, Another Battle Maiden, deceased in the same event, and Ken, who has yet to choose what path he will take. Malek, born Moto, likes his Gaijin names, and Yoko thinks they are cute and strange. Unfortunately, the family line bears a pretty harsh curse, originate from Malek's grandfather, that Oni are drawn to them.

Social Aptitude

Anna is good at talking when in Unicorn lands, and she's patient and caring with those of lower standing than her, but she has no tolerance or time for those who are stepping outside the law or insulting her. In court, she's bored, and tends to hang back quietly.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Female


Polyamorous and Bisexual
Bright blue
Long, brown, thick
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unicorn tan