Utaku Mizuho

Mizuho was born the last son of Utaku Sadie and Batu, but never really felt right about that. She wanted to be a Battlemaiden, and she didn't think she was a boy at all.   She trained herself how to call the horse by spying, trained herself how to perform the moves by watching. While she didn't take an Utaku Battlemaiden's steed--frightened by the idea that it might reject her outright--she knew how to move a regular Unicorn Warhorse the same way, and she told herself that someday she'd convince her mother and father to let her have a real Utaku Steed.   She wasn't ready for that yet when she went out on her trip to deliver mail to her uncle, Utaku Calus, and stumbled on a bandit attacking a small squad of Lions that included her youngest cousin. She rushed in to help, but was overwhelmed, and ended up kidnapped along with them. Nothing she was wearing would identify her, and she was terrified of the implications if it ever did. She had been wearing Battlemaiden mon and armor--and if they traced it back to her, the son of Utaku Sadie and Batu, she might even get disowned. Dying was the least of her concerns--her place in the celestial order was in question.   The kidnapping was awful. She got assaulted by some of the ronin men late one night, tied up. They shoved their dick down her throat and started to strip her, and she thought she might get killed, before the man who had just finished filling her mouth with cum stopped moving and gasped for air.   One of the other bandits stepped around and stared at the others as their friend fell to the ground with his pants around his ankles, bleeding out from the place where the butterfly knife had severed his spine. "Damaging the goods isn't gonna be acceptable," The man said, before the other 3 scattered. He grabbed the twitching body of the dying man and walked up on deck, where he threw it overboard. She heard him threaten anyone who came near them again.   That was the worst of the experience. She was nearly sold into slavery, but the trade was interfered with by the Mantis Clan Champion and his brother, and they made a deal to trade the Clan Champion for the group of them. She was safe, although her cousin was still sold off, along with the Champion himself.   She insisted on being a part of the rescue mission--she knew the Mantis Champion's brother had one. He let her come, and they stumbled upon Hantei Toya along the way. At first, Toya was nothing special to Mizuho. He was a guy who knew his way around the woods and could guide them--he could use a stick pretty well and seemed to be honorable enough to offer his help.   But over the course of their time together as they were escaping, getting caught again, escaping, getting roped into weird tasks by gods, he flirted with her. He called her pretty. And when she admitted that maybe her body wasn't as female as she would like, he didn't seem to care. He explained that his aunt was that way, too, and it wasn't a problem for him. He liked it, actually, since he very much enjoyed dick as much as anything else.   She felt.. free, and safe, and very horny. She and he fucked--a lot, during that trip. And talked a lot. And fucked some more. When her family came to get her after they had gotten out, he even gave her his clothes so she wouldn't be caught wearing girls clothes, 'cause she wasn't ready yet.    







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bisexual Switch
Utaku Altan
Utaku Naoko
1boy, 1girl