Utaku Naomi

Born to Utaku Xieng Chi, Naomi was named by a consensus of the squad that was out when she was delivered in the woods of Shinomen Forest. She was raised close to her mother’s battle squadron and was given Anko to grow old with at 10 as a foal. She spent long summers before she could be on the warfront visiting her father’s family, and was very close with her cousin Daidoji Yoshiro as he was one of the closest to her age. As a result, she treats Yoshiro as a younger brother, even though he is older than her.   Naomi has no siblings, but she has a family that extends to her own squad, which she started riding with when she was 14, shortly after Gempuku. She was given the rank of Gunso shortly afterward, when she turned 15, and she ran in the Unicorn's wars and made herself a name in the Battle of the Rich Frog, where she was one of the few successful Unicorn forces, only to be driven back by the overwhelming Lion afterward. She was eager to test her chops, and found herself ascending to Taisa not a year later, right before she was sent to help save Totori III in the Shadowlands, and had a brief run in with Kitsu Dejiko--at the time, the leader of the second Imperial Legion--where the General complimented her prowess.   Not a year later, she lost the title of Taisa when she and her mother refused to fight in the war of the Khan's Wrath, insisting that it was dishonorable. While the Khan could not strip the Utaku entirely without losing his best cavalry, he took out his anger on Naomi, and ordered her to guard the clan's borders while the war raged. After the war came to its conclusion and a new Khan was established, her mother's considerably influence forced his hand reinstating Naomi's position. He resents her, but she is a Taisa again.  



Naomi is a paragon of bushido. She is dedicated and loyal and well-loved by her clan and family. She would charge out in front to protect her men and women and as such, she is considered a young hero, although older Utaku grumble that she is too reckless for the only heir to the Daimyo. She is dedicated to her place in the world, and while she is not eager to be married or to birth children, she knows her duty and what will bring her family honor, and she seeks a good husband for that reason. At 18, she is considering the field of candidates, and she has earned quite a bit of renown to have her choice of a good man, mostly considering Crane to be the best option, as is her family's tradition. She is also a brilliant tactician on the battlefield, with a knack for the realm of war.


For all her honor, Naomi has a temper that is not unlike her mother. While traditional Samurai might take issue with Naomi's name, in all other ways: she is a traditionalist. One does not speak out of line to a superior, one does not act out dishonorably, and one is the example of pride, decorum, and compassion that a samurai always should be. There are plenty of opportunities to exercise this temper in the constrictions of Bushido, and Naomi is easy to incite to a duel, and she doesn't leave a battlefield unless she's won, sometimes at unreasonable risk. There is nobody allowed to dote upon her, and while they all worry, too much worry can cause Naomi to distance herself from someone quickly--after all, if her mother does not dote, the rest of the world has no right. Her eyes, too, become a problem in a court setting--mismatched as they are, they are an ill omen, and many refuse to look her directly in them for fear of being cursed.


Family Ties

Naomi's closest relationship is with her horse, Anko. The Unicorn often forsakes a warm bed to lay with the animal at night, and they have grown older together. Anko is 8 years old, but was born auspiciously and has a beautiful silver coat with white freckles. Some say the horse is half kami, and Anko accepts the praise willingly, almost intelligently. Her arrogance is as intense as Naomi's, and her intellect just as sharp as her hooves. Shortly afterward, Naomi respects and loves her mother and father. Her father, Utaku Yusuke, tends to dote--almost. He resists in Xieng Chi's presence, and instead does many breathing exercises when he hears bad things are happening around his daughter. He does tend to hug a lot more than a crane should when it comes to Naomi, and his own Gifts of the Kami sometimes include spying spells that he developed himself. Her mother, Utaku Xieng Chi, is an outgoing woman with a loud laugh, who is far past retirement, and never thought she would birth an heir. Naomi, though, is hers, and she believes in her capability, which is why she does not worry, and doesn't much alllow Utaku Yusuke to worry loudly nearby. Naomi shares a close sibling-esque relationship with Daidoji Yoshiro, and her aunt and uncle find her acceptably incorrigible and put up with her.   Beyond her blood relations, her squad is her family and the closest thing Naomi will ever have to lovers. Utaku Sara is her second in command, and they have been together since they were young, and her third, Iuchi Xieng Shao, is the unwilling recipient of Naomi's tendency to underestimate and overprotect males. While she respects him, she is most likely to assume he is the one in dire straits, and she is almost patronizing at times with the boy 1 year her junior.  

Social Aptitude

Naomi is trained properly in how to perform Etiquette, but only passingly. She figures she will leave most of the courtship to her husband when the time comes--after all, he should be a Crane, so it will be what he wants to do, right? She knows how to conduct herself in a courtly setting, but outside of one, she is loud and boisterous. With those she is close to, she is physically affectionate, and with those outside her circle, she is the picture of a serene and contemplative Bushi; although, in fairness, that serenity is easily changed to the picture of a hard-assed traditionalist if someone disrespects her or those she considers her own.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Biromantic, Heterosexual
Blue and Brown, heterochromatic
Long, brown, and curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation